Website Development

We create a digital extension of your business Website is a digital extension or a digital footprint of your business. A well-designed website can bring conversions as often as you get offline customers. These days, with very aware users around the use of technology, a website becomes the first interaction he has with your business.

Website, in a way, communicates the story behind your brand. And that is why, the more interactive the website, the more easy it is to get customers. Also, a perfectly structured website is a clear gateway to the brand.

Satyanam Services understands the significance of a well-designed, structured website for a business. We bring about ten years of experience in website development and maintenance. Our team has extensive experience of website upgrades, maintenance and revamping the website from scratch.

We make sure that the fruits of our hard work are enjoyed by our clients to a great extent. With the changing trends in the website, we also ensure to encompass all the latest industry standards for the website development.

Before making a purchase, the user first looks up the website of the product brand he wants to invest in. And that is where the website plays an important role in acquiring clients.

In addition to this, since the Internet is available everywhere around the world, the website puts your brand on a global platform. It is possible to have clients from around the world, and not from only your country.

Benefits of having a well-designed website:

There are so many benefits of a well-designed website. Let us take a look at some of them:


Remotely present

Since the advent of the Internet, it has been easier to browse the website while being at any location. You could be in one country and would be browsing a website of a business based in another country.The world has become a global place. Moreover, the Internet does not identify the physical barriers like the boundaries between the countries. Therefore, when you develop a website for your business, you put the business on a global map.


Exchange of information  

With a website in place, the customer and the business owners can easily interact with each other. The website can have a photo gallery for the customer to see, a phone number or an email address. These things serve as a point of contact of the business for the customer. Therefore, having a website allows the customer to interact with your business virtually. This gives customers a chance to see if they really want to invest their time and money in the brand.


Business credibility  

When you have a business website in place, the credibility of your business is hardly questioned. If you take a look at reputable companies, all the companies run a well-structured website. If a business does not have an email address or a contact number, they question the genuinity of the business. Having a website with correctly mentioned details ensures the user that the brand is trustworthy.


Cost Elimination  

The onset of the pandemic made us understand that we don’t need huge infrastructure to run the business. We can run the businesses with phone calls, good internet connection and a business website. Traditionally, brick and mortar stores were considered more trustworthy. But, they bore a lot of cost for its maintenance and physical space occupation. With a website up and running, you don’t have to bother about its space occupation in a physical location.



As we mentioned earlier, the website can be accessed from all over the world. Therefore, you can foray into the US market while being a business based in India.


Insights into customer behavior


With the introduction of analytical tools, the customer behavior tracking and understanding has become easy. These tools help the businesses understand what is the exact customer requirement. Then the businesses can sell the right product to the customer. This helps the business owners earn profit and trust from the customer.


Advertisement and marketing  

With right SEO and marketing tools, you can reach nooks and corners of the world with the services and products that you have to offer. The advertising and marketing will be available for various locations and customers. The customization options with marketing are plenty that offer more control.


Online customer service

When you have a contact number or an email address on the website, the customer can contact your business. And the businesses can answer their queries and concerns through that point of contact. This eliminates the requirement to have a call centre which saves money and time.

Why choose us?

Satyanam Services follows all the factors for a great website design and development process which has:



Responsive website



SEO friendly website navigation



Great aesthetics


User engagement


Mobile first design


We have a team of professionals with a successful track record in website development. Our team at Satyanam gathers the client requirements in an in depth detail, develops a strategic plan to accomplish the task, and strives for customer satisfaction.

Want to upgrade your business to an eCommerce store??