

Get guidance on the right technologies and skills to invest in

Tell us about the requirements and objectives of your project, the more specific, the better. We provide a tech roadmap with a hiring strategy and technical advice based on your objectives.

Our comprehensive technical consultation provides valuable insights into your project. We help identify the main challenges and recommend the most suitable tech stack to tackle them. Additionally, we include a detailed hiring plan that outlines the specific skills and experience your team will need, ensuring you have the right talent to bring your project to life.

The project execution roadmap assembles all the components to demonstrate how your project will be carried out. We assist you in defining procedures and a delivery schedule that meet your demands based on the objectives of your project.

The tech architecture solution covers details such as the technology and framework will be used to implement features. Algorithms and cloud integrations are among the other things that will be needed to develop your intellectual property and the tech engine.

This tech consultation and talent skillset specification are provided for free so even if you don't work with us you can take it forward and use it in the future.

Satyanam’s team extension service enables you to bring on board top-tier, pre-vetted developers who seamlessly integrate into your team. You get access to world-class talent that works alongside your existing team, ensuring high-quality results without the hassle of the traditional hiring process.

We take care of all the tasks associated with locating, screening, and selecting the best applicants that you lack the time, energy, motivation, or occasionally expertise to complete.

Most of our competitors offer TRANSACTIONAL hiring services—where you post a job, get matched with a developer, and handle the rest on your own. At Satyanam, we do things differently. We go beyond just matching you with a developer, we fully integrate with your project to ensure success from start to finish.

The best part is that you may avoid spending hours searching through internet profiles, ranking applicants according to hourly rates, and selecting the candidate you think can complete the task efficiently, dependably, and affordably.

We're not merely giving your team more development capabilities. Our value is spread evenly during the course of carrying out a project. We accept responsibility for your project and promise its timely completion and high caliber.

We use our proven methods, years of experience, and efficient engagement models to ensure that remote collaboration with our team results in success for your project.

With Satyanam, you get the best of both worlds: the transparency, access, and skills of working with full-time developers, plus the added advantage of having the Satyanam team, an experienced technology firm, fully involved in successfully delivering your project.

None at all! We work under the guiding principle that it is our duty to match you with the most qualified candidate. You won't pay a thing if you can't find the correct one.

Hire the best developers for your project

We can assist you in finding the best developers for the job and ensure that the project is successfully completed on schedule, whether you want to expand your current tech team or start from new with a standalone project.

Locating freelancers and developers is simple, the challenge is in determining whether these individuals will actually fulfill their commitments. This is particularly challenging if you lack years of expertise selecting and screening the top developers across a variety of technologies. Yes, we do.

When we identify promising candidates, we give them the opportunity to demonstrate their communication skills and problem-solving abilities through a series of video interviews. We specifically look for individuals with the right skill sets, well-documented code, and a disciplined approach to testing.

For each role, we create thorough small project testing. Through an automated coding exam, the technical proficiency of each developer candidate is assessed. In addition to general programming and algorithm expertise, applicants are tested on language-specific knowledge.

We thoroughly investigate references from their prior employment and clientele. We ensure the protection of your intellectual property by signing full proof legal contracts and NDAs. What sets Satyanam apart is our speed, our clients usually obtain a short list of the best prospects in a mere 24-72 hours on average.

Having engineers in remote teams, regardless of their distance from you—50 miles or 5,000 miles—brings some really amazing benefits.

One of the best things about working in remote teams is that all correspondence is encouraged to take place via text, so all conversations are documented in writing. In an office setting, a lot of information is discussed in passing and is never recorded.

When you work remotely, you get more methodical and process-oriented. Although commonly overlooked by in-house teams, this is fantastic for all teams.

Adaptability Offering schedule flexibility is the best way to show someone on your team that you value and trust them. They will make the most of your flexibility to provide you with intensely productive work hours that will far beyond anything you might do during office hours.

Concentrate Although they are excellent for brainstorming and teamwork, offices are unable to provide the concentration required for task completion. Remote work is possible. Working on development projects demands a laser-like focus and unbroken workdays.

Access to great talent around the world

You can hire considerably more developers and far more talented developers than the leftovers in your local area if you use the entire world as your hiring pool. Additionally, the team you assemble will be significantly more varied in terms of viewpoints and problem-solving strategies.

More chances to develop and learn Because they don't have to commute and have more time to themselves, remote developers are among the most talented and modern developers worldwide because of their ability to continuously study and advance.

Utilizing timezones can increase productivity.

Due to different time zones, most people assume that remote development is chaotic. In actuality, this is the least of the concerns for most remote teams. Time zones are frequently used strategically to allow for sufficient overlap for team members to synchronize, as well as sufficient time difference to enable ongoing development when one developer transfers work to another.

Our developers have a great deal of experience working in distributed teams and are mostly remote workers. We can work with you to make it happen if you really need an on-site developer. To assist you in finding a local developer, we can make use of our partner network and a pre-screened list of developers.

Taking Selfie
Taking Selfie

You won’t know where your team ends and ours begins

We align our development operations with your engineering workflow, procedures, and culture. Our IT leads receive their priorities straight from you, and our developers operate within your systems.

Over the past ten years, Satyanam's tried-and-true team extension engagement methodology has been improved. We ensure that the distance, time zone variations, and communication proficiency that come with using remote resources do not limit us.

Selecting The Success Team

It could take some time to establish procedures and acquire best practices if the client's team is not accustomed to working with remote personnel. For this reason, we appoint a project manager, a customer experience manager, and a technical lead (who may be local to the client's region) at the beginning of team integration.

Tech lead shepherds our development team to execute quality software on time.

A local project manager helps you transition into remote working environment smoothly.

Managers of the customer experience maintain an ongoing feedback loop on both ends to identify potential problems. They monitor the fifteen project success criteria that we have established to make sure everything is going according to plan.

Knowledge Transfer and Team Integration

You and our team collaborate for a minimum of two weeks. Complete team onboarding from your end replaces individual new hire onboarding.

During the first few weeks of collaboration, our PM and Tech Lead will work closely with the client to establish all the agile procedures required for a geographically dispersed team as well as to devise an effective remote working model.

Our clients frequently already have a tech staff and clearly defined processes in place. If so, we conduct a two-week trial run so that our staff can adjust and operate in a manner that complements the workflow of your company.

Through sessions centered around user stories, code architecture (system or functional level), and most importantly, business goals, our team takes the time to get to know your processes, the identities of your stakeholders, and the users. Here, working with your developers and aligning technology are essential.

During these two weeks, we attempt to learn as much as we can. How you prefer to work, how the code should be organized, how assignments are issued, how questions are asked, how recommendations are offered, how standup meetings are conducted, etc.

We make remote work

Potential customers often complain to us that new features are released slowly, that consumers aren't adopting the products, and that the work hasn't lived up to their expectations.

The answer is to communicate a lot. We create teams that prioritize cooperation, open communication, and transparency as they work toward a common objective: producing excellent products

Regular communication guarantees that there are never any unplanned pauses in the process. We employ video calls, one-on-one check-ins, daily stand-ups, and, if feasible, an annual "retreat" where everyone can spend time together.

Our fully integrated team is self-managed and operates autonomously

Satyanam team integrates into your team, participating in standup and scrum meetings, weekly demos, weekly retrospectives.

We conduct daily stand-up meetings where the team joins a call to share what they accomplished the previous day and what they plan to work on that day. In addition, we hold weekly updates to review overall progress and address any larger issues. Managing team members across multiple time zones can be challenging, but these regular updates are crucial for keeping everyone aligned and ensuring the success of your team.

The Agile methodology calls for each contributor to go around, talk about what they’ve been working on, what they will be working on, estimate how long it’s going to take them, whether there are any critical blockers that could cause delay, and what their bandwidth looks like. These stand-ups are rigorously tracked by the Tech Lead.

However, we don't only rely on unstructured dialogue. The PPP (progress, plans, problems) methodology, which is employed by Facebook, Google, eBay, Skype, and other firms, is utilized by all employees at Satyanam. PPP is used to record ideas, concerns, progress, and anything else related to their assignments.

Every week, demonstrations This one is easy: set up a video conference with everyone, share screens, ask everyone to present their work, and then have a discussion

If something is exceptional, call it out and appreciate the work. So the team stays motivated

If something is buggy or substandard, ask why and figure out the solution. This meeting is usually way longer than a stand-up as it is designed to literally demo the work that has been promised during stand-ups.

Weekly retrospectives are meetings where the team comes together to discuss what went well and what could be improved, based on the week's progress and the demo

We use the lean method of holding a meeting. It is great because it gives everyone a voice—there’s an element of democracy in the development process now. You’re still “the boss” but everybody now has some skin in the game. This will also help to organically create a culture within your remote team—something we will cover at length in a future post.

There’s really no “one-way” to optimize and manage a remote team. Everybody has got their own style and strengths. And your team and processes will evolve as they need to in order to meet the needs of your product and to optimize the time and output of your team.

All work that is paid for will belong to you as the client's intellectual property. To maintain confidentiality, we offer an NDA. A rigorous contract to protect your intellectual property is signed by every member of our staff.

Get quality software delivered , on time, on budget

Our fully-managed software development service provides you with tried-and-tested processes and expert guidance to ensure that remote collaboration works smoothly. We take full responsibility, promising to deliver your project on time and with top-notch quality.

1) Test Case Driven User Stories for Clearly Defined Requirements - At the beginning of our collaboration with the client, we assist them in developing thorough user stories and outlining the course of the upcoming sprints.

2) Thorough Sprint Planning You must schedule sprints as much as possible if you want to complete projects on schedule.

3) Delivery Iteratively Instead of having a single deadline for the implementation phase, an agile development method typically divides it into multiple checkpoints. Each sprint includes what are known as iterations.

4) We create thorough documentation for every aspect of the project, including architecture decisions at both the application and code levels, live user stories, and design-focused UX/UI and Design System documents.

5) Regular Communication and Introspective Evaluation Every weekday starts with a quick team stand-up to talk about our plans for the day and what we accomplished yesterday.

6) Our code review process combines clear, structured guidelines with a supportive and collaborative environment, ensuring that peer reviews are both thorough and positive.

7) Adding quality assurance to the development process Our ability to incorporate QA into our development process has greatly improved. It was tough for us to loop in QA once our code was pushed to the master branch.

Going forward, as soon as we start working on the next sprint, our QA engineers will identify and develop a test strategy. An engineer and a QA engineer will go over test scenarios together as the first development phase draws to a close.

8) Post-release It’s important to circle back and review how the process went once you’re done, be it a success or failure

Did the testing rightly model the production scenario?

Did your team correctly estimate the effort required to release a product?

How is the product running in production?

Review how well the team performed by revisiting the implementation and testing checkpoints. Your team will adjust their performance accordingly as they grow used to being held accountable for every step in this process.

We offer a risk-free trial period to ensure that your project launches successfully. Our Satyanam Team Guarantee means we invest heavily in achieving great results for you, rather than focusing on short-term financial benefits. This commitment helps us build strong, long-term relationships with our clients.

We offer a risk-free trial period of up to two weeks. You will only have to pay if you are happy with the development team and wish to continue.

Making sure the freelance developer is a good fit can be accomplished in this way. You won't be paid if you don't think they're exceptional, and we'll send someone to make sure your time isn't wasted by guaranteeing the work is done for free.

Taking Selfie

What you get

Top Talent

A highly vetted team of professionals, driven to consistently deliver outstanding results.

Zero Ramp-Up

Get your projects started quickly. We handle everything, assembling the right experts to plan and launch new initiatives.

Managed Process

Your dedicated Tech Lead does all the heavy-lifting of managing the project team so you can focus on what’s important.


Monitor the progress and health of your project based on key attributes like milestone tasks, bugs, blockers, and team happiness.

Direct Access to Experts

Get expert advice right when you need it from any agency in our network, whether it’s a data scientist, architect, UX designer, or niche technology expert.

Project Specs and Scoping

Our business analysis team will do all the work of gathering crucial project information from key stakeholders to deliver technical requirements that developers understand.

IP Security, Ownership and Licensing

You get complete ownership and licensing for the software built by Satyanam, so you’re free to use and commercialize it.

Code Documentation and Transition

We’ll provide everything you need to seamlessly hand off new software and train your internal teams.

Testing, Support, and Maintenance

Complete testing, around-the-clock bug support, and maintenance whenever you need it.

Easy administration

We cover all contract work, payroll operations, team setup, employees’ retention, travel management, and logistics.

Excellent infrastructure

We provide modern office buildings with the creative and inspiring working environment, equipped conference rooms, established IT and facility management.

Talent management

We help you transfer product knowledgeto align remote software developers with your in-house team, keep people motivated and loyal, ensure personal development and growth.

Delivery management

We measure dedicated team productivity metrics and KPIs, monitor the quality of software, manage deliverables, and support startups with an individual program.

Consulting services

We advise on aspects you need to strengthen, apply agile transformation practices, provide business analysis services, assist with software architecture, and help manage your software lifecycle.

Talk to our experts to unlock the potential of Mobility, IT solutions, and Data Insights!